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Moved to tears

by Tim Mondy on 02/25/13

OK, I am not ashamed to admit it, I was moved to tears during yesterday morning's worship service (02/24/2013). I was so blessed that I could not adequately put into words how I felt at the time, but as the hours have passed, I believe I can better articulate what it was that so moved me.

A couple of month ago the members of the NYI group came to the board meeting and asked permission to begin, hopefully on a once-a-month basis, leading the worship service. The board immediately approved their request, and they began planning for their first service. That service was yesterday morning.

Four of the young ladies led the song service, Lindsay Poninski, Rebekah Mondy, Shaniah Ilberry, and Summer Melton. Anthony Lashbrook participated by welcoming the congregation, making the announcements, and praying for the offering. Meghan Lashbrook and Jaren Estep served as ushers, Jacob Higgins became the greeter for the day, and Greg Johnson prepared the PowerPoint for the worship service and manned the computer throughout the worship service. I still have trouble expressing just how moving it was to see all of them in action.

As a pastor, I often go for weeks or even months, without seeing immediate gratification that I am making a difference in the lives of the congregation. Face it, that is the nature of the position. I preach/teach, visit, counsel, etc. but most of those things do not bring resolution or closure. They are part of a process of trying to help others on their journey toward spirtual maturity. But yesterday, I did have that moment of witnessing the fruits of my labor. Eight young adults stepping up to take part in a worhip service in ways were outside of most of their comfort zones. They did so, not because I asked them to, but because they have sensed the leading of the Holy Spirit calling them to get more involved.

With smiles on their faces, and perhaps a bit of trepidation as they took their postions, they young adults all stepped out on faith to serve God because they wanted to, not because they had to. I cannot take sole credit for this growth and process, I actually did not have a lot to do with the actual planning or execution of the service. What I realized, the thought that moved me to tears, was that there is spiritual growth and formation that is taking place in the Centralia Church of the Nazarene. It is not me who causes the growth, but I do believe I am a vessel that God uses to accomplish His purposes, and to that end, I was richly blessed to see that while I may not be responsible for all of the growth, I am responsible for helping nuture a congregation who is willing to let God move them out of their comfort zone to build His kingdom. In that moment, I sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit, gently re-assuring me that this is not about me, this is about the Kingdom. I have a role to play, and in His goodness and mercy, God allowed me to receive a glimpse of what He loves so dearly: His children obediently following the leading of His Spirit to become what He sees fit.

I would like to take just another moment and thank everyone one of the NYI members who participated, and Jeff and April Johnson for so faithfully leading this wonderful group of young adults. They are not the church of the future, they are the church of today, and I was truly blessed to see them accept that role. If you were not able to attend yesterday's service, I implore you to go to the Sermons page and listen to the song service recording. I believe you will be blessed beyond belief.

Comments (2)

1. Tina Riddle said on 2/26/13 - 05:44AM
Pastor, I agree with everything you said. I was very blessed with what the NYI did on Sunday morning! I am eagerly anticipating what God will do through each of them in the future!
2. Linda Poninski said on 2/26/13 - 08:49AM
Pastor, I was also moved to tears as I watched Lindsay and all of the youth lead the service this last Sunday. I am so proud of all of our youth and the youth leaders we are so fortunate to have at our church! Jeff and April have done such a wonderful job in helping us raise our youth into the young men and women they have become. I thank God every day for Lindsay and everyone that has played a part in her life that has helped her become the Christian she is today. She is such a blessing to me! Lindsay is my constant reminder of how God can and will work in our lives if we just let him and she is so willing to let him work in her life! I would like to thank everyone in the church for all of the prayers for the youth. I know in my heart that prayer is a big part of why Lindsay, and the other youth in the church, are the Christians they are today.

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