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More announcments

by Tim Mondy on 01/14/13

I am trying to be more pro-active in using the internet to pass along information. To that end, please keep an eye on the church's Facebook group as I am trying to keep it updated as quickly as possible since it seems more people read Facebook posts than website posts. Hopefully, I will be better at keeping both up to date in the coming weeks than I have been in the past.

One of the most important things I want to put before everyone is that we are planning to have a Valentine's banquet on February 2, at 6:00 PM. The teens will be serving/helping/cleaning, because this is going to be a fundraiser for them. We are asking for a $5 per person donation, which will go to the NYI department. The men of the church will be cooking the meal that evening, and it will consist of roast beef, baked potatoes, corn, green beans, salad, bread, and desserts. We will have a sign-up sheet at the church on Sunday, Jan 20, and we ask that you please sign up before Wednesday, Jan 30 so we can have an accurate count to prepare the proper amount of food. This is open to all, it is not strictly for adults. If you wish to attend and do not have the $5 donation, you are still welcome to attend, but we must still ask that you sign up in advance.

Another item I will pass along, we are planning to have an encore performance of last year's Easter cantata, "O What A Savior". Because Easter is relatively early this year, we did not feel we could properly learn a new program, but the desire is present to have a cantata. The solution was to do an encore performance of last year's program. If you did not participate by singing last year, you will be able to join this year's performance if you would like. If you sang last year, you are encouraged to participate again this year as we need people familiar with the music to help others learn the music. More information about this will be coming in the next little bit, but I wanted to give you a heads up that it is on the way.

A last item of note, I have been in contact with Kim McLean concerning a revival this year. We have gotten all of the details worked out, as of this morning. Kim, her son will, and Devon O'Day will once again join us for a revival this year. The revival dates are Wednesday, July 31 thru Sunday, August 4. More information on this as time passes, but please begin praying now for the revival that is coming.

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