Just catching up... : Pastor's Blog

Just catching up...

by Tim Mondy on 05/12/12

OK, the title is a bit misleading, because I am doing anything but catching up. I am catching up on updating my blog postings though, so that is why the title.

It has been a couple of weeks since I posted anything, and in that time my son has graduated from Olivet Nazarene University, gotten a job, and commissioned as an officer in the Army National Guard.

The church has ended another church year, and the church board re-elected for the upcoming year. That squares us away for the business side of the church year, except for me finishing my annual pastor's report, which will happen in a day or two.

That gives me an opportunity to look forward a little bit (but not too far). This coming week is especially busy, and I wanted to give a few reminders. On Wednesday night at 7:00 PM, we are hosting a zone missionary rally. Saturday the 19th, Doug Carmel from the Rock of Israel Ministries will be here to lead us in a Seder meal (the Jewish Passover meal). Tickets are still available for this, and cost $5 each. On the 20th, Doug will speak in the AM service.

Which brings us to the evening service of the 20th. During that time, we will be working on ironing out some of the plans for the upcoming Interactive Families ministries which will begin on June 3. Please plan to join in the planning service if you can so that we can make Interactive Families as incredible as possible.

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