Interactive Families Continued : Pastor's Blog

Interactive Families Continued

by Tim Mondy on 09/18/12

Wow, it has been a while since my last blog entry and website update. We have made it all the way through the summer and into mid-September already.

Through the summer, we have been having "Interactive Families" each Sunday. The attempt has been to interweave the Sunday morning sermon with the Sunday School lesson, and the Sunday evening lesson for the children and youth. The summer season saw us study the Parables of Jesus, and with the beginning of September, we have switched to the heroes of the Bible.

In addition to moving to the heroes sermon series, the Sunday evening session for the adults has switched focus. Through the summer we studied the "Five Love Languages", and with the beginning of September we have switched to the "Personality Plus" study. Our hope is that as we learn more about ourselves, we will be able to interact with others in a more appropriate manner. The materials have been very helpful in learning why we think and act as we do, and it has also helped to see how to keep from running headlong into conflict on an ongoing basis.

We have also decided to continue with the Sunday evening meal. The goal is to have families come together for an evening meal and stay for the lessons.

The Interactive Families ministry approach will end at the end of November. the decision was reached because of the hectic nature of the holiday season, and because of the unpredictable nature of the weather through the winter. We will not abandon the family approach, but it will go on hiatus at the end of November. The good news is, we will continue to hold all regularly scheduled services, but we will not be having the family mealtime each week, and the lessons will not be as cohesive through the holiday season. The lessons will be season appropriate, so there will be a certain degree of unity, but not as thoroughly integrated.

If you haven't joined us for Interactive Families, there is still plenty of time to experience this ministry approach and help us determine if this is a good approach to re-visit next year.

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