Influences : Pastor's Blog


by Tim Mondy on 11/19/10

My granfather passed away on Monday of this week. He was 88 and had been battling lung cancer. He had been through radiation treatments and was doing pretty well, but last week he developed pneumonia, and his body was just too weak to fight it off.

I was asked to preach his funeral, and as I prayed about what to say and how to preach the funeral, I found out that he had been more of an influence in my life than I had previously considered. We were never very close as I have lived the past 2+ decades at a distance from him. Before that, we just never spent a lot of time together.

As I prepared the sermon for the funeral, I began to reflect on the time we had spent together. I realized that even though we were not close, he had influenced my life a lot more than I had previously thought. I shared that message at his funeral. I hope it helped those in the congregation think about how they are influencing the lives of those around them. That was what I was trying to convey, and I believe I got the point across.

You see, you may not realize just how much influence you have in someone's life. You don't have to spend a lot of time together to have an impact, maybe it is your absence that is the influence. Regardless, you are impacting those you love in one way or another. I just want to encourage you to take a few moments to think about the people you love. Ask yourself, "Am I being the influence I should be for them?", and if the answer is "yes" then great. If the answer to that question is "no", then fix it. You still have time. Go ahead, make a difference in the lives of those you love. You just never know what might happen.

On a separate note. I am working on my Master's degree. My final project, my Capstone project, is coming along nicely. I need to have people complete a survey concerning a new church service I am researching. I don't know if it will ever come to pass, but I must do the research for the project regardless. If you are ages 18-45 and live in the 62801 zip code, please follow this link and take the survey for me. It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes or so. Please invite anyone you know who fits that demographic to take it as well. Here is the link:

Comments (3)

1. Tina R said on 11/20/10 - 07:46PM
Pastor Thank you for the positive Christian influence you have on me, on my family, on my church family, and on others in the Centralia area!
2. Roxanna said on 11/23/10 - 02:44PM
I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your grandfather. It is particularly difficult around the holidays. Just this morning, I read a piece about an Attitude of Gratitude. This time of year is supposed to be about Love and Giving....but don't you dare smile at a Black Friday Shopper and expect one in return. OR open a door for an elderly lady and expect a "Thank You." I had a sales person wish me a "Happy Thanksgiving" and it took me by surprise to the point in which I was trying to figure out how to reply and had to laugh at myself for the jumbled words of wisdom. That is when I sigh and reminisce for the days of yesterday. I will not allow the grumpy gus's steal my sunshine:-) Thank you for a wonderful and thought provoking blog! "Please" keep up the good work (Sorry couldn't help myself)
3. Claudia said on 12/11/10 - 03:38AM
I lost my grandpa many years ago, we were very close, he influenced my life tremendously, he told me a “big secret”, I was the most important person for him. He told me I was the most beautiful girl on his eyes. I was very little when he said that to me, I was struggling because my closest sister in age was, tall, skinny and smart with a beautiful long hair. My grandpa gave me the strength and courage to go back to school (kindergarten), I was feeling so insecure because of my size and kids bullying me but with his words full of love I grow up and I consider myself as a very self confident woman, I know my grandpa’s words still in my head. I didn’t care when I found out, he told the same “big secret” probably to every one of his grandkids. Now I hope I’m not leaving bad influence in others, I hope I really can make a difference in other people’s lives just like my grandpa and your grandpa did. Thanks for the reminder…I have time…I will fix it.

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