A quick word. : Pastor's Blog

« 09/06/2011 | Main | Changes »

A quick word.

by Tim Mondy on 09/19/11

Well, we are now on the completed side of the church's Family Fun Weekend for this year. It was a wonderful event, and lots of people were able to attend. We learned about birds, their habitats, and other facts. We had games, food, and a lot of fellowship. On Sunday morning, we drew for the prize baskets that were donated by various people. Overall, the event was quite successful from everyone I have spoken with. I would like to thank Mary O. for all of her hard work in directing this event. It was her first time to direct something like this and I believe she did a great job doing it.

Not really much else to share at the moment, so I will cut this short this week. I will say this one last thing. If you have never really studied the book of Hebrews, I highly recommend you downloading and listening to the sermon series I am preaching over that book. The teens are studying this book for quizzing, so they are helping provide questions to direct the material I make sure to research and clarify. If you have any questions over Hebrews, please e-mail them to me at the address found on the About Us page and I will try to answer them during the course of the sermon if possible.

Comments (1)

1. Diana Lashbrook said on 9/19/11 - 09:32AM
Pastor: I also think that Mary O. did a wonderful job. Keep up the good work. I know my kids all had a good time. My 2 girls (Megan and Laci) grand kids, decided on what basket they wanted and decided to share it so they agreed to put all of their tickets in the same basket and if one of them won they would share, an that is just what they did. Church, and Church family has taught them a lot. Thank you to everyone.

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« 09/06/2011 | Main | Changes »