Catching up : Pastor's Blog

Catching up

by Tim Mondy on 06/11/15

Well, after trip to our pastor and leader training (PALCON 2015) week before last and a week of vacation a few days later, I am finally back. A lot has transpired since my last entry, I have been accepted as a member of the Fair Trade Friday blogging team, and the congregation has moved in fast forward fashion toward VBS which begins Sunday evening. Check out our Facebook page to see images of the decorations: 

The Fair Trade Friday blogging group is a bit of a change up for me. Fair Trade Friday (FTF)  is an organization I discovered last fall. They help empower women around the world by selling products which are being produced in a variety of countries and then marketed in the USA. When the product sell, the proceeds go back into the groups which are producing the goods, and the women are earning a life sustaining wage in the process. Many of the women are from countries where unemployment is very high, like Haiti, India, Bhutan, and a number of other countries. Selling these products literally saves the lives of countless individuals as the women are able to purchase food, livestock, or school supplies for their families. Education is possible in many places it would not be without programs like this. Personally, I am a huge advocate of the idea education is key to life improvement. In addition to the FTF original group, they have now started a FTF Earring of the Month club. You can sign up for a one-time purchase, or sign up for recurring monthly subscriptions for either club. Either group offers the same benefits, but the Earring of the Month club is a bit less expensive on your part. Currently there are only a few spots available in the Earring club and no spots in the FTF club, but you can sign up for a spot on a waiting list if you are interested. Check them out:

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